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Would you like to volunteer with JCFL?

Here are some of the ways you could volunteer with Jesus Christ the Fullness of Life (JCFL)…

1. Join in with the Music

JCFL Choir - Pauline Prayer Vigil, Westminster Cathedral (June 2009)The JCFL Musicians
A small group of musicians currently facilitates the music at the JCFL Prayer Vigil. We are always delighted to welcome gifted musicians to the team. If you are interested in helping, please pop along to a future JCFL Prayer Vigil or contact us at Thank you!

2. Help create a Beautiful Liturgy

Providing a beautiful liturgy is at the heart of JCFL’s mission. It takes time, prayer and careful heartfelt preparation. Here are some of the ways you could help JCFL create a beautiful liturgy: offering to choose a Theme and Readings for a future JCFL Prayer Vigil; offering to read the Old Testament, New Testament or Gospel Readings at a JCFL Prayer Vigil; offering to provide the Reflection on the Word; offering to write Intercessions, a Poem, a Litany on a Christ-centered theme; offering to help set-up or clear-up; offering to steward or provide a discreet but warm welcome.

3. Help Raise Awareness of JCFL

JCFL Poster 2017 (main)You could help us raise awareness of JCFL by putting up a Poster in your local Church, taking a few flyers to give to people you think might be interested, etc…

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